Friday 4 November 2016

Recipe Of The Week: Courgette Carbonara

Eating healthy and buying local have huge impacts on living sustainably. At EcoLivingBlog we support local businesses and love to shop and buy local whenever we can. Make sure to check out your local town markets and lower your carbon footprint by buying homegrown* produce over imported alternatives. 

Heres a recipe we tried using only homegrown* ingredients!

*Check your supermarket labels and make sure the produce in your trolley was grown in the UK. Its the easiest way to shop sustainably and reduce your environmental impact as a household!

Courgette Carbonara
with honey roasted carrots


4 Courgettes, thinly sliced. 
2 Large Eggs
Lemon Rind, grated. 
Parmesan Cheese, grated with extra to top
Plum Tomatoes, halved. 


Bacon Lardons* 
cook separately and add at the end

*To make this dish 100% vegetarian, leave out or substitute the bacon lardons. 

Top Tips: 

Pair with roasted carrots, mixed salad leaves or a good slice of warm ciabatta!


1. Start by washing your ingredients and thinly slicing your courgettes lengthways. You can use a spiraliser or buy it pre-cut for extra thin slices. 

2. Heat a small amount of oil in a large frying pan. Add courgettes, halved plum tomatoes and grate the rind of a lemon into the pan. Stir well to ensure even cooking. 

3. Break and whisk 2 Large Eggs and add to the frying pan, stirring well to ensure everything is coated. 

4. Add in some the grated Parmesan and stir till it melts. 

5. Season with Pepper, Serve and sprinkle with extra Parmesan Cheese. 


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